From burnout to balance: Building resilience as an impact entrepreneur

As part of The DO Summit 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting an inspiring group of impact entrepreneurs who completed DO School fellowships in the past decade. Despite their unique journeys, they all had one thing in common when they arrived in Berlin: They were exhausted.

Under the guidance of DOer Marguerite Bellec, they were able to take time to reflect on the challenges that come with impact ventures, focus on self-care and reconnect with a supportive community that truly understands what they’re going through.

From burnout to balance: Building resilience as an impact entrepreneur Read More »

After the US Election: Business Leaders’ Role in Strengthening Democracy

The recent US election highlights challenges that are impacting democracies around the world. Increasing polarization, mis- and disinformation, a loss of trust in democratic institutions and the rise of authoritarian tendencies in many governments are testing the resilience of democratic systems not only in the US but across Europe and beyond. In fact, according to recent studies, democracy is on decline in half of the world’s countries.

After the US Election: Business Leaders’ Role in Strengthening Democracy Read More »

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