The DO Method

The core skills, tools and mindsets to thrive and lead in a new economy cannot be learned in theory. It’s all in the DOing. That’s why The DO School takes a rigorous “learning by DOing” approach.

The DO Method is a proven 4-stage innovation process that leads individuals and teams to create real results — while allowing for experimentation and the testing of new skills and mindsets. It’s a fresh, immediate way to learn, with lasting results.

4. DO!

Start DOing and implement your solution based on goals and milestones established in the PLAN phase. Measure impact and align your team with its own drive and purpose.

1. Dream

Develop an initial understanding of the problem and align it with your own passion and purpose while engaging in blue-sky thinking.


3. Plan

Get ready for implementation by creating an ambitious yet realistic plan with regards to resources and success metrics. Start building a support ecosystem that is ready to advance the project.

2. Focus

Deepen your understanding through research while engaging with experts & users, getting feedback and creating prototypes to continuously improve your ideas.

1. Dream

Develop an initial understanding of the problem and align it with your own passion and purpose while engaging in blue-sky thinking.

2. Focus

Deepen your understanding through research while engaging with experts & users, getting feedback and creating prototypes to continuously improve your ideas.

3. Plan

Get ready for implementation by creating an ambitious yet realistic plan with regards to resources and success metrics. Start building a support ecosystem that is ready to advance the project.

4. DO!

Start DOing and implement your solution based on goals and milestones established in the PLAN phase. Measure impact and align your team with its own drive and purpose.

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